
The Victorian Age in England was a time of dramatic changes, new inventions, the Industrial Revolution, and an introduction to new ideologies, all of which would transform the way significant portions of society lived and thought of life forever. The overwhelming external changes in daily life during this period would match in intensity the nature of changes happening in the internal lives of the public. Charles Darwin, as a naturalist, helped usher in this change after a long voyage to the South Seas where he observed several widely unknown species. In 1859, a year after his return, he presented his observations in a book, The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. In it he deduced from their widely diverse natures a common thread that linked all species to a single ancestor; the Theory of Evolution as he called the phenomenon soon became a household word and stirred up massive controversy and debate, still resounding today. The implications of Darwin's theory created a deep divide in culture, a conflict of natural versus supernatural order. Not only did it offer an alternate account of the genesis of life from the Old Testament, but it also gave a sense of moral freedom from the divine Creator and His judgment; it became a cause unto itself in society among leaders in political and industrial circles, effecting science and academia. Darwinism, as the collection of theories was called, changed the course of man's history forever.
Why Illuminati Against God & The Bible
The Bible teaches that in the final moments of earth’s history the entire planet will be under the control of a one world government. Ultimately an autocratic world ruler code named “the beast” will dominate world affairs. Through his agencies he will determine who is to live and who is to die. This despot will not bring peace. He will be the agent of chaos, destruction and despair.
The one called the beast will bring about a unity of all humanity by means of terror. We are told, that he will “cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed.”[i][1] His one concession to those who obey him will be the right of access to sufficient food, not to banish hunger, but only to maintain life. Food will be rationed for some, for others it will be totally denied. A situation will exist in which “no one should be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, the name or the number of the beast."[ii][2] During the reign of the beast there will be what Daniel described as “a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then.”[iii][3] It is not too dramatic to say that at a timenot far from now the world that now is will be transformed into a house of horrors. And hardly anybody believes it will happen.
That's why they are against the Bible they know it's true. Establishing new world order not easy when people believe in the bible. Darwinism helped them to change mans view about the bible attacking the vary first page genesis of life even though evolution cant be proven. They funded so much money in research to prove that we came to existence without a creator. Even though there are many scientist can disapprove that theory they have taken into Childs education.
What u think that darwin evolution theory is a conspiracy. This doesn't prove anything.
ReplyDeleteit proves everything.... now generation thinks GOD creator of life is a fairytale...